[Coco] SuperIDE and VCC 1.43 beta - SUCCESS!

Luis Antoniosi (CoCoDemus) retrocanada76 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 26 10:05:32 EDT 2013

Just to inform I sucessfully run VCC in superIDE mode using my CF card

First, you need the HDBDOSLBA13.ROM found here:


and of course a valid superIDE image, also found here:


To config the superIDE, set the MPI.DLL, put the FD-502 on slot4 and
SuperIDE on slot3. Also you must uncheck the "Clock at FF50" from FD-502
config. After doing that and using the external disk basic rom it worked
like a charm.


BTW: Don't you think the HDBDOSLBA13.ROM should be included on vcc distro
as well  ?

PS: If VCC had a debugger I would stop using MESS :)

Long live the CoCo

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