[Coco] No more dream ports (Was:Wolfenstein 3-D on a 4.77mhz 8088? So, 6809 port, anyone?)

Nick Marentes nickma at optusnet.com.au
Thu Apr 25 04:10:57 EDT 2013

I must agree with what Steve has said here.

That doesn't mean we should not take up the challenge but just be aware 
that you can get close but not match Wolf3D entirely.

I believe I'm the only one to date that has attempted to do a full 
"Wolf3D" style game for the CoCo3 and while it's not Wolf3D, Gate 
Crasher is the closest I was able to come up with.

But I made sacrifices and that is the key to game design with the CoCo.

I took SockMaster's excellent "Gloom" 3D engine amnd made it into a 
game. Sock's Gloom engine ran quite fast and at 256x200 resolution. In 
order to get enough speed to add in the rest of the elements required to 
make it into a complete playable game, I had to reduce the resolution 
and the 3D algorithym accuracy.

I'm happy with the results but I'm sure better could still be done... 
but Wolf3D it still won't be unless you're happy with a very slow frame 

BTW, has anyone played Gate Crasher to the finale and overthrown Bill 
G... I mean... the company CEO.   :)

Yes, he's actually in there. His face is unmistakable! And he has a 
mischievous laugh!   :)

Not to mention when you achieve a triple shot (3 hits in quick 
succession). Your character gives a Homer Simpson "Whoo Hoo!".


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