[Coco] toolshed os9 copy question

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Sun Apr 21 14:48:33 EDT 2013

On Sunday 21 April 2013 14:42:29 Steven Hirsch did opine:

> On Sat, 20 Apr 2013, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > Greetings;
> > 
> > I have a file formatted as an os9 disk of about 4 megabytes, located
> > in the root of the /opt tree here.  Mounts just fine as /x1 in DW4
> > server, and I can read it from the coco just fine.
> > 
> > I want to use the os9 copy function if that is the correct function,
> > to put a copy of MinTED-1.0.zip into this disk image.  I have not
> > been able to move it using rzsz, something has gone aglay in minicom
> > and I cannot select the correct file to sz to the coco over that
> > path.
> Gene,
> I'd be glad to help getting cocofuse setup and functioning on your
> system. Ping me in private e-mail if I can be of assistance?  It should
> be simple and straightforward.
> Steve

1: why not do it here Steve, I am probably not the only one that could use 
the help, although I've found os9 copy to be quite useful too, once I got 
it thru  my aged skull how it works.

2: ATM I'm trying to get the coco online & browsable.

3: I'm also about to head out & make some use of the warmth of the 
afternoon to drill & tap about 8 metric holes in a mount to put a 15" Dell 
lcd monitor over & directly behind my small metal lathe, which is of course 
cnc controlled these days, using the same software that runs my milling 

Cheers, Gene
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