[Coco] Smartwatch setting from Basic09

George Ramsower georgera at gvtc.com
Sat Apr 6 01:00:21 EDT 2013

 I have been using a Coco3 for many years. I love these boxes. My Coco3 is my connection to the world of my life.
 When I use this to keep track of time keeping things, such as a mechanical clock, I have to adjust for the errors in the SmartWatch. 
 Is there a way to set the smartwatch from basic09?
 I've attemted this a couple of times but, now I don't remember what I did or why it didn't work. Now I want to start this again to monitor a mechanical clock but, I want to adjust the Smartwatch on a scheduled basis(as I tried before) such as once a day or every few hours. The smartwatch I am using loses time and needs adjusting ocassionally.
 Is it possible to do that from Basic09? How would this be accomplished? Before, I used "Settime" or "Setime"( can't remember right now) but, that was from the command line. Does the new OS9 clock module allow this or can I use the original clock. I don't really care about the year thing. If it says it's 1913, I'm good with that.


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