[Coco] Coco and Modern Printers

Aaron Wolfe aawolfe at gmail.com
Sat Sep 15 17:33:32 EDT 2012

On Sat, Sep 15, 2012 at 2:50 PM, Christopher Hawks <chawks at dls.net> wrote:
> David Hazelton said the following on 09/15/2012 09:13 AM:
>> Chris;
>> Which OS (image) on the Raspberry has Java?  I have one and have been
>> playing
>> with it (when I find time) for the past couple of weeks,   So I am
>> interested
>> in other PI users and what OS they are using for what.
> David:
>         I'm not aware of any images with Java all ready installed. There are
> many articles on the web for installing and tuning the available Java ports,
> including the JDK for Linux ARM just announced last friday.
>         Aaron, which image and Java are you (or someone you know) running??

I'm still playing, there are many possible ways to do it but Raspbian
and openjdk do run the server fine.  I have heard performance is not
great with this combination and the new JDK will probably be better
but haven't tried it yet.  I have not tried to run the GUI on the Pi,
it could likely be made to work but for most purposes there is little
point.. either use the dw command in os9 or run the gui on a regular

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