[Coco] Xilinx ISE Assigning Signals to Specific Pins

Kip Koon computerdoc at sc.rr.com
Wed Oct 17 03:11:17 EDT 2012

Hi All,


Here's a Xilinx ISE question for you all who are into CPLD's for your
projects.  I get successful implementations, that is compiles, but every
time I make a change, all the signals change to different pins.  How do I
assign each signal to a specific pin.  This is no good as it is (obviously)
since a PCB can't be designed with all the pin signal definitions changing
from implementation to implementation.  If there is a tutorial available,
I'd like to see it.  I have not gotten back to my 6809 project yet as I am
still on the uphill climb to get well.  I am still having big cough sessions
throughout the day. Thank goodness they are not productive coughs anymore.
Take care y'all.




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