[Coco] OT: DMS/3

Louis Ciotti lciotti1 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 20 19:31:37 EST 2012

I was not implying there are not methods to extend the longevity of modern
PCs, but the sheer complexity of todays operating systems (IMHO) throws
another wrench in the works.  I mean old computers like the coco are
somewhat easier to modify for use with newer technology.  Can you imagine
having to get a new currently unknown storage media up and running on
Windows 30 years from now?  Just the shear number of lines of code is
daunting to a hobby programmer.

On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 4:15 PM, Frank Swygert <farna at amc-mag.com> wrote:

> Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2012 15:12:23 -0500 From: Louis Ciotti <
> lciotti1 at gmail.com> On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 2:26 PM, Mike Pepe <
> lamune at doki-doki.net> wrote:
>  Yes, I wonder how well computer hardware built in 2012 will work in 2041.
>> Somehow I'd guess not as well as this computer from 1983 works in 2012!
>>  I the main problem with keeping newer computers working as long as the
> old
> ones is their dependance on some sort of storage media/battery to even
> power up completely.  That the COCO.  It can operate totally fine with no
> storage media.  As long as the power supply works, and the ICs have not
> gone poof, it will work.  A new PC today requires a CMOS, 16GB to 20GB hard
> drive (Windows 8 requirements) to even run.What are the chances of a hard
> drive sill spinning 30 years form now when quality standards have fallen to
> the point where if you get 5 years out of an item it s OK.
> ==============================
> Well, there are all sorts of solutions for that! There is a cheap IDE
> adapter that lets a large SDHC card be used as a drive, or a compact flash
> (old tech there too!). We have invented solutions for the CoCo and other
> old hardware, I'm sure some hacker will come up with ways to keep things
> going. I agree -- the HD is the weak link. CMOS batteries can be replaced
> easy enough. I think the caps in the CoCo are starting to be a problem
> (electrolytics leaking), and would be with any modern electronics.
> --
> Frank Swygert
> Editor - American Motors Cars Magazine
> www.amc-mag.com
> --
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