[Coco] Drivewire 4 finally working on my Linux Laptop!!!

Frank Swygert farna at amc-mag.com
Tue Nov 6 06:32:00 EST 2012

Unlike other versions of Linux, Mint comes with a lot of closed source (but free to use) drivers and codecs and such that most people would find useful or expect in a system. There is a version that is open source only, but the standard versions (there are several, main difference is the desktop used, i.e. - there is a KDE version) have a lot of modules you'd have to hunt and install in other Linux distributions. Mint is more "ready to use" than any of the others because of this. In some ways it's friendlier than Windows -- you still have to hunt the occasional audio or video codec or driver with that!

Date: Mon, 05 Nov 2012 20:22:03 -0600 (CST)
From: "Fred D. Provoncha"<fredprov5 at usfamily.net>

Juan, Yes I use a Prolific USB-DB9 dongle. I know that a lot of people have experienced problems with this brand, but mine seems to work with no problem. I had other issues I won't get into now that were preventing me for the longest time from getting the setup to work. Upgrading to Drivewire 4.3 & upgrading the OS to Linux Mint 13 seemed to solve the problem.

Frank Swygert
Editor - American Motors Cars Magazine

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