[Coco] Read Coco floppies in my PC

Steven Hirsch snhirsch at gmail.com
Sat Mar 31 11:27:56 EDT 2012

On Sat, 31 Mar 2012, Frank Swygert wrote:

> Bill, contact California Digital (http://www.cadigital.com/flopdriv.htm). 
> Scroll to the bottom of the page and you will find some 360K and even 180K 
> floppy drives (single sided, like all but the last CoCo drives) for $39 and 
> $9, respectively. There is no on-line ordering. In truth this may be an old 
> site, but they also have a Tano Dragon (CoCo 2 clone, $45) and I know someone 
> who bought one from them just two years ago. At other places the drive 
> average about $75 in tested working condition (guaranteed). They average $70 
> on e-bay, but you can get untested drives for $25-$50 (working when stored 
> pulls).

If you like throwing money away for no good reason...

> Finding a PC that old at the Goodwill or Salvation Army... those days 
> are pretty much gone, but I have occasionally seen one at a yard sale or 
> "junk" flea market.

Find a local electronics recycler.  Even in Nawhtern Nah-England they 
exist.  A 5.25" drive should be at most a $10 problem.


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