[Coco] Moving Files

Robert Gault robert.gault at att.net
Sun Mar 18 21:04:46 EDT 2012

Richard E. Crislip wrote:
> Hi.
> This quesion is for Mark or Boisey, but if others know the answer please feel
> free to chime in. I have a TC3 and a SUper IDE card. A  SCSI HD is connected
> to the TC3 and a SD card is plugged into the Super IDE. I can boot RSDOS and
> Nitros from the SuperIDE, but can only boot RSDOS with the TC3. I am not
> knowlegable enough to fix the broken Nitros on the SCSI drive. My data is on
> the SCSI HD and I want to copy it to the logical drives setup on the SuperIDE
> SD card.

The 80d distribution disks contain boot_tc3 in the BOOTTRACK directory. You will 
need to edit one of the mb. scripts and one of the .bl so that the scsi boot 
(boot_tc3) is used and the scsi driver (lltc3.dr) with descriptors are used when 
building a boot disk.
If HDBDOS works with the TC3 system, you can move the boot disk onto the scsi 
drive so that you don't need to use a floppy to boot NitrOS-9.

If lltc3.dr is not the required driver, there is also rbsuper.dr on the 
distribution disks and a third party driver included in the Sourceforge project 
but not not on the disks, tccchd.

> 1) Can I do this.
> 2) Can I plug both into the MPI w/o smoking something (Mark, I am sure you
> will recall that I did smoke the SuperIDE which you fixed, but I have
> absolutely no idea how I did it and I SURE do not want to do that again).
>   3) neither allow me to access the actual floppies. Ofcourse there may be other
> issues there. I have either the TC3 or the SuperIDE plugged into slot 3 on the
> MPI and the Disto FD controller with the special ROMs plugged into slot 4. BTW
> I am running a CoC3, 512k memory and buffered bus protection. If you need any
> further information, I will be happy to provide it. TIA
> RIchard

You probably want your MPI stocked with the FDC in slot 4, the TC3 in slot 3, 
and the SuperIDE in slot 2. That assumes the scsi and ide controllers don't care 
which slot they are in. They should be slot independent.

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