[Coco] Have no idea what to call it, but, it WAS New tool: WIRED

Frank Swygert farna at amc-mag.com
Tue Dec 4 09:49:32 EST 2012

Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2012 19:28:03 -0600
From: "Boisy G. Pitre"<boisy at tee-boy.com>
Subject: Re: [Coco] Have no idea what to call it, but, it WAS New
	tool: WIRED

I just couldn't get myself interested in expanding HDB-DOS beyond adding support for whatever Cloud-9 hardware came out; instead, I focused on NitrOS-9.

Let's be clear: Aaron was the one who volunteered to do this, and was either ignored or rebuffed.  There was **never** any desire expressed from the other side to work with Cloud-9 or our products.

And I will say this here and now: there will never, never, ever be any chance of that happening. There will never be collaboration or reconciliation? ever. Any remote, sparse, infinitesimal chance of that ever happening vanished into oblivion when we received an email in which he clearly and unambiguously indicated his intent to file a lawsuit against Cloud-9, as well as Mark, Aaron and myself personally.


I can easily understand your feelings on this. For the first statement TIME is the biggest factor I'm sure -- there's only so much for you to work with. Besides, you usually support (at least morally!) anyone who wants to put their own efforts into expanding/improving Cloud-9 products that you don't have time to do yourself.

I can also understand your problems with Roger. He wasn't always friendly competition. BUT... at this point Roger is out of the picture. If the new owner of the products expresses an interest in a collaboration I'd hope you'd at least be open to listening to what he has in mind. I doubt that's going to happen though, looks like he has his hands full making things good for now.

Frank Swygert
Editor - American Motors Cars Magazine

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