[Coco] MAKE_TK.lzh has a bad case of Y2K.

gene heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Mon May 30 16:03:33 EDT 2011

On Monday, May 30, 2011 03:48:56 PM gene heskett did opine:

> > It is funny that of the programs that I am using the most only
> > shellplus was not written by myself. (Colorful SLED, Archive and
> > Vdir).
> I have never been able to make the copy of sled that I have, do very
> much but crash the whole  coco3, I think because it blows the stack
> away at the drop of a Ken & Barbie sized hat.  No idea if my copy
> matches yours though, so lemme fire up minicom & go sic vfy after it to
> get the size, ed & crc. Humm, and it is not in /dd/cmds, nor in
> /dd/maxtor/cmds, so 'find sled /dd' is looking for it.  That will take
> a while on a 1Gb drive, so I'll come back later.

And I need to strip that boot some more, I'm getting error 237's when it 
tries to recurse through a deeper than 7 levels directory.  So far it has 
found a couple sled.ico, but not sled.  I am about to rewrite sacia yet 
again, it grabs way too much buffer ram from the system ram when it has 
open paths.  What I'd like to do is change it so its vars use system ram, 
but the data buffers use user ram as there is about 1.9 megs more of it on 
that machine.

Nope, not on that drive, I must have gotten frustrated and nuked it.

Where can I DL the version you are using?

Cheers, Gene
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