[Coco] c64 taking making a comback!?

Frank Swygert farna at att.net
Thu Jun 9 07:10:31 EDT 2011

The only thing you'd lack to make one yourself is the custom keyboard. It's a mini ITX in a customized C=64 case. Easy to put all that stuff in a hacked up CoCo case -- except for the CoCo keyboard. You'd need a reverse PS2 keyboard adapter, could be done the same way with a micro controller. Personbally I'd just install a mini PC keyboard.

This is mostly hype. There is a "Commodore OS" in the works, but it ships with Ubuntu Linux. I suspect the "Commodore OS" is a customized Linux. It runs a C=64 emulator if you want to play some classic C=64 games or do some programming. It's not like the FPGA CoCo (or C=64 on a chip). It's a new PC in an old style case. They are selling on nostalgia. I doubt they will be around long. Mini ITX computers aren't real powerful, but this would be good for internet use and other tasks, not for serious gaming though.

Date: Wed, 8 Jun 2011 17:46:45 -0700 (PDT)
From: Ben Jimenez<ben_jimenez at yahoo.com>
ok, not too happy about this, why aren't we here yet?????


Frank Swygert
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