[Coco] Coco compatible monitors...

Joel Ewy jcewy at swbell.net
Fri Jul 1 17:34:41 EDT 2011

On 07/01/2011 08:33 AM, Mark Ormond wrote:
> I've got some NEC Accusync LCD 71Vs in my shop. And playing with groovymame I found that they will sync to 15 and 24k signals,so I hooked one up to my Amigas, but they only display NTSC correctly, pal screens get cut off (I think the monitor only does 240 lines @ 15k). Do you think these will work with the Coco3 with a cable adapter?
> .7v p2p on the input voltages, what does the 3 output?

FWIW, I used my CoCo 3's CM-8 with an Amiga 1000 back in the day and it 
worked just fine.  (Yeah, I know, the Amiga RGB monitors were better, 
but I had the CM-8 first and couldn't afford to spend another couple 
hundred bucks for a monitor.)  I had to make a little adapter board to 
invert the Sync signals.  If the monitor is picky about the polarity of 
its sync you might have to do the same if the Amiga worked with no 
inverter.  But I think modern monitors tend to be more ambidextrous 
about those things.

I wouldn't mind having an LCD monitor that syncs to 15KHz.  One problem 
I've seen using an ordinary SVGA LCD monitor with CoCo3FPGA is that 
since the monitor's "native" resolution is not the same as what the FPGA 
board puts out (640x480 I suppose) there are vertical bands of fuzziness 
that run through the screen.  Not a big problem, but it slightly mars an 
otherwise beautiful picture.  I suppose most LCD monitors meant for SVGA 
will suffer from similar issues.


> Just a thought.
> (As a note, the tech specs on this monitor say Synchronization Range - Vertical 56 - 75 kHz ,Horizontal 31.5 - 81.1 kHz, but this isn't correct.)
> Later,
> dabone
> --
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