Frank Swygert farna at att.net
Sun Dec 25 16:22:52 EST 2011

I found some 1GB SD cards at geeks.com, but cost as much as the typical 2GB ($7). OEM PC World has small ones from $3.25 for a 32MB to $4.50 for a 512MB. Compare that to $4.65 fro a 1GB, $4.85 for a 2GB. They have the lowest prices I've seen, but I don't know about shipping. (http://www.oempcworld.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Category_Code=SDSTD).

I found small cards on Amazon also, $3.35 for 64MB (from OEMPCWORLD too). Some guy wants $12.79 fof 64MB SDs, but there seem to be more of the small capacity MicroSD cards. Those would be fine with an adapter, just even smaller and harder to keep up with (or more expensive with adapters for each!). So they are out there... for now.

On Sat, Dec 24, 2011 at 6:18 PM, Frank Pittel<fwp at deepthought.com>  wrote:

> Cool!! I can't wait. How many floppy images will be available? The reason I ask is that around here it's
> impossible to get SD cards smaller then 2gig.
Frank Swygert
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