[Coco] Phoenix IDE update

Roger Taylor operator at coco3.com
Sat Apr 30 21:23:13 EDT 2011

This is a quick update about the all new Phoenix IDE.  There are two 
builds available for testing, none of which are an official customer 
release, and are pre 1.0 builds.

The pattern of my snapshots will be 0001, 0002, 0003, etc. in case 
you want to uninstall a build and go back and test another one, but 
only one can be installed at a time, and you must manually uninstall 
the current version before installing a new one.

When you uninstall one build, please save your app data folder in 
case it gets wiped out even though I've told the installer to not 
delete certain files.

Phoenix is to have a sprite editor, audio editor, and font 
creator.  The font creator at this time can take any Windows font and 
turn it into a bitmap font for the CoCo and allow editing.  No more 
spending 3 weeks pixel-tweaking a font from scratch.  The sprite 
editor outputs a source file format that is not yet supported 
directly by CCASM, so hang in there.... this is coming.  Can we say new games??

www.phoenixide.com/PhoenixInstaller0001.zip (older)

www.phoenixide.com/PhoenixInstaller0002.zip (4-30-11)

~ Roger Taylor

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