[Coco] [Color Computer] BBS program for Hayes Modem

stanblaz at optusnet.com.au stanblaz at optusnet.com.au
Tue Apr 26 21:19:02 EDT 2011


Before you get too excited I would check the speed the Hayes modem can
support.   If I remember correctly the modem pak only did 300 baud and
I know (from experience) that not all newer (relatively speaking)
modems went down to 300.

A few BBS programs that come to mind are Phoenix, COBBS, CEBBS &

On Wed, 27 Apr 2011 00:53:02 -0000, you wrote:

>My son wants to have a true 8-bit BBS experience, so I said I would set a coco 3 at my office and hook my hayes modem to it and run a BBS off of floppy that he can phone with our Coco 1 and the modem pak.  Any recommendations for a simple Disk Basic BBS program?  Any direction to the DSK image on the web or in the CoCo disk archive CD (I have one from a few years back).  Rainbow listing?

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