[Coco] Software offer and Drive Pak solution

Manny manney at gmail.com
Sun Sep 19 07:59:12 EDT 2010

On Sat, 2010-09-18 at 18:13 -0500, Roger Taylor wrote:
> At 03:38 PM 9/18/2010, you wrote:

> >If he wants to go cross-platform and likes the .NET platform, he might
> >want to seriously consider using Mono.  (Myself, I've finally gotten rid
> >of my last .NET program.  I find it very unstable, and like Gene, I'm
> >concerned about it's future dealings with Microsoft.)

> Manny, I haven't seen a more stable Windows scheme yet than the .NET 
> framework.  They're at 4.0 now so if you're talking about bugs in 2.0 
> or even 3.0, ya might want to take another look.
> The Windows API is sprinkled with bugs and inconsistencies, all 
> documented and rarely fixed by MS.  If they fixed the bugs then 
> thousands of older programs would be broken.  :)

No, I was talking about Mono under Linux not Microsoft's .NET.

> >Speaking of competition, Roger and Boisy seriously need to hash out
> >their differences via email.  If Roger actually owes something and Boisy
> >can prove it, then that needs to be settled.
> I'm thinking about just throwing $30 his way just to shut him 
> up.  :)  All kidding aside, I have e-mails dating back to 2002 that I 
> don't believe Boisy wants me to bring out, but I will if we start 
> getting amnesia about who's been using who's stuff.  There was a time 
> when we exchanged ideas by e-mail and chatted about each other's 
> stuff but that was before either was really a spec on the map and I 
> doubt either one of us had anything evil planned.  This has become 
> the most silliest and ongoing accusation I have ever had to deal 
> with.  No - the only accusation.

Well, either way, you two need to sort this out.  It's gone on too long.
If it means "throwing $30 his way," then so be it.

> >They also need to work out
> >what Boisy has accused Roger of doing in a previous post.  If they can't
> >come to a compromise or understanding, then maybe a third party that
> >both of them trust should help moderate.  These type of things need to
> >be resolved (privately?) for the general health and well-being of the
> >group.  They cause distrust and anger to form in the small group of us
> >left.  It almost looks like nothing has changed since a few years ago
> >when I left the mailing list.

> The funny thing is - we were talking about what platforms the Phoenix 
> IDE could run on, and then out of the blue...  Bam.  Got me again.
> Maybe I should just leave this mailing list since I am unable to chat in peace.

Yeah, running away is always the answer.  :P


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