[Coco] Software offer and Drive Pak solution

Roger Taylor operator at coco3.com
Thu Sep 16 22:04:54 EDT 2010

At 07:15 PM 9/16/2010, you wrote:
> > One thing I've noticed is that Visual Basic .NET (not to be confused with
> > some sort of BASIC interpreter) and Java are similar.  Both are object
> > oriented and can be translated to each other "easily".   This might mean
> > that eventually someone could take my Pheonix IDE source code in VB.NET and
> > come up with a Java version.  The sad thing about VB.NET is that the name
>"Easily" is right...  they are similar enough that it's doable but
>different enough that it would probably be a significant amount of
>The Eclipse IDE is open, cross platform and designed to be extended in
>just about every way.  I don't know how far you've gone with the
>Phoenix project, but have you considered making a module for Eclipse
>rather than a whole new IDE?  There could be many benefits, including
>less work for you.

Mainly because I like developing products instead of 
projects.  Projects don't pay the bills.  :)  Phoenix has been in 
development for about a year and a half and is just weeks from being 
released.  It is geared towards vintage computer and game console 
coders who want to see their stuff run when they click Build.  The 
ultimate goal is to keep veteran vintage coders producing stuff for 
the older console systems that have lost hard-to-find hardware 
peripherals, rotting floppy disks, old development tools, 
etc.  Phoenix is geared towards CoCo development but is not limited 
to the CoCo.  Trying to adapt this smooth system into any other IDE 
is not something I want to get into.  Besides, I've written two other 
IDEs which were stepping stones to the current IDE, so I've been in 
this for a long time.

~ Roger Taylor

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