[Coco] drivewire speed question

Michael Graham jmetal88 at sbcglobal.net
Thu Sep 16 13:40:26 EDT 2010

  The CoCo 3 version of HDB-DOS sets the double-speed poke to get higher 
transfer speeds.  It isn't reset before the program starts running.  
That's why I use the CoCo 2 version on my CoCo 3.  :)

On 9/16/2010 12:36 PM, Jeremy Michea wrote:
> I'm still a relative drivewire newb and haven't used it in a while but today I got my USB to 9-pin serial plug today so I tried it out with my coco 3 and I tried both buzzard bait and pooyan and the speed of the games seemed doubled or tripled while playing. With pooyan I hit reset and the speed went back to normal though.
> Did I do something wrong or is there some setting I need to change? I gotta get the drivewire rompak because constantly loading the HBD-DOS from the cassette cable is a huge pain.
> --
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