[Coco] Artifacting (again)

Robert Gault robert.gault at att.net
Thu Sep 2 22:48:50 EDT 2010

Mark McDougall wrote:
> If you study the screenshot from dmkeil's emulator page...
> <http://www.discover-net.net/~dmkeil/coco/images/c&b-1.gif>
> you'll notice, for example, that the balloons contain single black
> pixels which do not produce artifacting. Similarly, there's no
> artifacting surrounding the clown's heads holding the trampoline. Also
> notice the red/blue "score"/"high" text is only 1 pixel wide.
> So there's something more to the algorithm...

Don't get confused by the output of emulators. There is only one emulator that 
comes close to correct artifact appearance, MESS. The Keil, and VCC emulators 
approximate the artifact effect by using pure white, black, red, and blue but 
these are not artifacts. As a result of this graphics on these emulators will 
look sharper than the same screen would be on a real Coco attached to an NTSC 

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