[Coco] My kind of Ebay auction

Jim Hickle jlhickle at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 27 07:54:46 EST 2010

You'd think he'd figure out that the price could go higher if he actually connected them to a TV to see if there is video.  Or maybe he knows they don't work.  Reminds me of the ebay ads for brass musical instruments that state: "valves are slow but just need oiling" -- like it takes too much cost/effort to try 3 drops of oil (and one could even use water - or even spit - to test them).

caveat coco-er

Wow, a TV/VHF Adapter.  I lost mine a while ago and now my CoCo2 is without the ability to use a monitor.  Funny how such a small thing is so vital to an entire system.


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