[Coco] CoCo 1&2 clock cycle events (CPU, SAM, VDG interaction with RAM)

Fedor Steeman petrander at gmail.com
Mon May 24 15:49:31 EDT 2010

Hi all,

Another thing about this clock cycle I cannot seem to figure out is the
duration. How long does one clock cycle take?

As the 6809 (normally) operates at 0.89 MHz, I can calculate the duration of
a single E-clock wave (i.e. rise and fall), ought to be 1124 nanoseconds.

According to the reference manual, however, the duration is apparantly 1117

(actually there is a typo, as it says '117')

I really cannot make sense of this diagram, as there are two other numbers,
629 ns og 488 ns, that add up to 1117, but there start and end points seem
to drawn wrongly.

Does this mean that the low section of the E clock has a shorter duration
(488 ns) than the high section? And where are the missing 7 nanoseconds
(1124 - 1117) ?

I am pretty much confused.

I just want to know who long this cycle takes and each of its steps:

        E-low & Q-low: SAM sets RAM address for VDG
        E-low & Q-high: VDG reads data byte
        E-high & Q-high:  CPU sets RAM address
        E-high & Q-low: CPU reads/writes RAM byte

Thanks for any help...


On 21 May 2010 20:58, Fedor Steeman <petrander at gmail.com> wrote:

> Awesome! So simply put (and I am sorry for oversimplifying), this is wat my
> little sequence of events should look like:
>         E-low & Q-low: SAM sets RAM address for VDG
>         E-low & Q-high: VDG reads data byte
>         E-high & Q-high:  CPU sets RAM address
>         E-high & Q-low: CPU reads/writes RAM byte
> Right? Thnx for helping out!
> Cheers,
> Fedor
> On 21 May 2010 16:26, Darren A <mechacoco at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 5/21/10, Fedor Steeman wrote:
>> > Hi all,
>> >
>> > Looking in the Technical Ref Manual, studying the diagrams, and several
>> > other sources on the internet, I am trying to understand exactly the
>> > sequences of events during a CoCo 1/2's clock cycles. As I am not an
>> > electronics buff, this is not an easy task for me. I just wanted to know
>> in
>> > what order, CPU, and VDG interact with RAM, as mediated by the clocking
>> > signals provided by the SAM.
>> >
>> ---
>> This is my understanding.  Someone please correct me if I'm wrong:
>> The CPU presents a stable address from the rising edge of Q to the
>> falling edge of E.  The CPU's data window is in the latter portion of
>> E High. Data is latched by the CPU on the falling edge of E.
>> The SAM is responsible for addressing RAM using either the CPU address
>> or its own internal video offset counter.  It (roughly) presents the
>> CPU address after E goes High and the VDG address after E goes Low.
>> The VDG reads RAM during the latter portion of E Low.
>> Darren
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