[Coco] 40 track floppies and DriveWire

Allen Huffman alsplace at pobox.com
Tue May 18 19:20:48 EDT 2010

On May 18, 2010, at 6:01 PM, Darren A wrote:
> Using DriveWire 3 HDB-DOS version 1.1D on a CoCo 3 (or from RAM on a
> 64K CoCo 1/2) there are two simple POKEs that will enable you to
> BACKUP a 40 track floppy to the first 720 sectors of a DSK file.
> POKE &HD286,40
> POKE &HDA42,32
> The first POKE changes the track count for the BACKUP command to 40.
> The second POKE prevents DriveWire from accessing more than one
> virtual floppy disk within a DSK file. This avoids the problem where
> writing to DRIVE 1 would start at the 630th sector in the DSK file.

Could you explain more about the second POKE? I was extensively familiar with RGB-DOS years ago, but if I understand you, this would do it, but you'd effectively have to "not" use DISK 1 in the virtual HD array (and remember not to do that)...?

		-- Allen

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