[Coco] eprom burner

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at verizon.net
Mon Mar 29 12:49:04 EDT 2010

On Monday 29 March 2010, Brian Blake wrote:
>Hi Guys,
>I'm looking at buying an eprom burner. I have a few hobbies (including
>CoCo's) that require being able to program eproms, PIC's, etc... I've
> looked into a number of different types, but, was wondering what everyone
> else uses. I've been looking at this Willem devide:
That is a heck of a good deal IF it includes the type of stuff you want to 
program.  I haven't one now, but the last one I had at the tv station cost 
about $850, made by Zeltec, and had burn profiles for several thousand 
devices on the accompanying cd, and you could also download upgrades to that 
database from their site.  Apparently for extended periods of time as I did 
that a couple of times over about a decade.  Sadly, after I retired, someone 
got tired of that computer its drivers were installed in just sitting around 
and fed it to the dumpster, which contained the driver card for it.

My replacement finally managed to convince them he needed a lockable place 
for engineerings stuff, something I wasn't able to do in nearly 20 years.

The device list looks fairly complete but I didn't study it in depth.  New 
devices can usually be handled if the burner can handle the time and voltage 
constraints of the new device AND the chip maker has an adequate description 
in the data sheets, and most do.

I'd assume he has more?  And is it winderz only?  That would also be a show 
stopper for me, it either has to run on linux, or contain enough data to 
allow a linux driver to be written.

>Coco mailing list
>Coco at maltedmedia.com

Cheers, Gene
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