[Coco] [Color Computer] New CoCo site

Brian Blake random_rodder at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 21 10:34:37 EDT 2010

Greetings all,

With the apparent demise of the cocohut website, and the necessity of my having to learn web design, I figured my first non-work related web site would be CoCo related. So, I went and created my first real web site, random rodder's coco den. There's a few articles from Rainbow, some technical documents, basic synopsis of the various CoCo models, a gallery of my CoCo collection, etc... I'll also do occasional reviews of products, the first one being Roy's RGB -> VGA adapter, and the next one being Cloud9's 512k upgrade kit. Some of the material is stored offsite (scrib'd). There are various techniques used throughout the site, simply testing the waters and various coding techniques.

Also, when he finds the time, Briza will be contributing thru his own sub-domain with game reviews. His pages are already set up, just waiting for his first review.

Finally, there is also an ftp section. address: ftp.randomrodder.com ; user: anonymous at randomrodder.com and no password. YOU NEED AN FTP CLIENT to access it - my ISP does not support FTP over HTTP. I use the FileZilla ftp client; I'm sure most CoCo enthusiasts already have some sort of an ftp client anyhow.

I don't know how serious my ISP is when they say unlimted bandwidth, but, I guess I'll find out. Considering the size of the CoCo group, I doubt I'll be in too much danger, but, you never know...

Considering this is my first web site, I'd appreciate constructive feedback, so, have at it!!!



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