[Coco] [OT] 137 Year Popular Science Magazine Archive (Derek)

Andrew keeper63 at cox.net
Tue Mar 9 21:27:21 EST 2010

I just wrote to PopSci.

Something I found out while doing so: I can search by just about any 
term in the article (I even tried the author's name - Hubert Luckett), 
and I didn't get hits; but if I searched for "March 1963", the first hit 
that comes up is the issue of the magazine with the article (hmm, fancy 
that - it had a nice cover; unfortunately, my copy is missing its 
cover!). Searching for the terms within the magazine (ie, "motor", 
"Enercon") brings up the article.

It will be interesting to hear what their explanation is. I certainly 
wish this archive was available for purchase...

Thanks again for the link!

-- Andrew

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