[Coco] Small OS-9 drivers taking up 16K after loaded

Roger Taylor operator at coco3.com
Sun Mar 28 23:43:17 EDT 2010

I have a question concerning drivers that use the RBF system.  If the 
modules are loaded from the prompt, even if merged into one module 
and occupying only $2AA bytes of code, why would there be a drop from 
24k free memory to 8k?  16k has been eaten instead of 8k.  The driver 
doesn't use anywhere near enough memory to exceed 1K, let alone 
8K.  Does any code or memory from RBF also get allocated?

24k free

merge drivepak.dr drivepak_h0.dd drivepak_h1.dd >dp
(dp is $2AA bytes)
attr dp e pe
load dp

now 8k free
attempting to even use "dir" now produces the error #207 memory error

as expected, unlinking dp gives me my memory back

I'm going to try using ded to merge these into os9boot and test them that way.

~ Roger Taylor

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