[Coco] Hi all. New to the list

Robert Gault robert.gault at att.net
Tue Feb 23 21:31:33 EST 2010

Todd Wallace wrote:
> I noticed there is an OSX version of DriveWire, which is what im using here.
 > My difficulty arises from how to get the coco side of the software going. The
 > instructions on the website say to use a cassette cable and a .wav file to load
 > the coco program for transferring files. However I have no tape cable, nor do
 > I want to use a .wav file to load each time i want to access the Mac/PC.
 > Is there a .BIN version of the coco utility for DriveWire from a disk?

There is such a file which I use when running Drivewire under Disk Basic. What 
you need is the Drivewire3 ROM image.
Once obtained, you need to convert it to a LOADM format which loads at say 
$3000-$4FFF. Then you need to write a short ml program to move the ROM image to 
the correct location, $C000-$DFFF, and jump to it.

Actually on my system, I start with RUN"DW3".

The addresses in line 20 indicate to the Drivewire ROM that there is no OS-9 
partition on the drives in our system because the 3 byte offset for Disk Basic = 

The routine I'm using for COPY.BIN is
        org $7000
start  orcc #$50
        ldx  #$3000
        ldy  #$C000
A1     ldd  ,x++
        std  ,y++
        cmpx #$5000
        blo  A1
        jmp  $C002
        end  start

Converting the Drivewire ROM image to a LOADM format is simple but you do need 
some tools. You will need to add to the front of the file a header and to the 
end of the file a footer.
$00 20 00 30 00
This indicates that the file is $2000 bytes long and LOADMs at $3000.
$FF 00 00 00 00
This indicates that LOADM is at the end of the file and that there is no EXEC 
address. More precisely the EXEC address is $0000, so don't do a LOADM:EXEC or 
you will crash the system. :)

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