[Coco] Emulator - back to the thread's original question

Fedor Steeman petrander at gmail.com
Sat Oct 31 17:05:49 EDT 2009

Well, to go waaaaaaay back to the orignal question that started this thread:

I am not too fond of the MESS emulator, but not so much because I
experienced problems, but because it's more fuzz than the awesome Vcc
emulator. A drawback of Vcc is of course that it is Windows only.

So I am all for a new cross-platform emulator and some time ago I even gave
it a go myself, but had to abandon my plans, because I had gotten way too
ambitious (if not presumptuous) compared to my skills/insight and available
time. Also many platforms seem to cumbersome or not fast enough for the kind
of implementation I envisaged.

Still I would certainly encourage anyone to give it a go, and maybe one day
I will try myself again. Using SDL would be a good idea for keeping it cross
platform, but an even better idea would be using BlitzMax:

BlitzMax features an easy to grasp, BASIC-like syntax with fast graphics and
it is even object-oriented! Compilers are available at an affordable price
for Windows, MacOSX and Linux.

If I ever would try to write an emulator I would probably use BlitzMax.

Just my 5 cents...


2009/9/6 TP Reitzel <tpreitzel at hotmail.com>

> We need an emulator to replace MESS. For almost a decade, MESS has had
> recurring problems with regressions, etc. Personally, I just can't deal with
> it much anymore. Various toolkits are employed which just worsens the
> situation with regressions. Frankly, I have a lot of venting to do about
> MESS, but I'll hold my tongue. I've stated as much as the background for our
> need of  an independent project. Although Vcc is likely still active, it
> hasn't been updated in awhile. We need a portable, e.g. SDL, fully
> implemented emulator for all CoCos whether it simply emulates historical
> machines (CoCo 1-3) or contains newer features as well...
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