[Coco] DriveWire

Robert Gault robert.gault at worldnet.att.net
Fri Mar 6 16:15:46 EST 2009


I've a question regards the new DriveWire ROM. I've been able to boot 
with it installed in both MESS and VCC as it is easy to replace the ROM 
images. I do have an EPROM programmer but thought I would first try the 
following with a real 6309 Coco3.

The original RGBDOS could be offset loaded into RAM (say $3000) and then 
moved into the correct location with a short ml program. RGBDOS booted 
and could be used as a test case this way before burning a ROM.
I tried that with the new drivewire ROM and it won't work, the Coco3 
crashes. Here is the ml code that moves the ROM. Any reason why this 
shouldn't work?

  org $7000
start orcc #$50
  ldx #$3000    where the ROM was offset loaded
  ldy #$c000
a@ ldd ,x++
  std ,y++
  cmpx #$e000
  blo a@
  jmp $c002
  end start

And yes, I did add the header and footer to turn the ROM into a LOADM 

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