[Coco] [Color Computer] country blocked

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at verizon.net
Sat Jul 18 16:36:31 EDT 2009

On Saturday 18 July 2009, Arthur Flexser wrote:
>I assume that to be the motivation of spammers, but we're talking
>about attacks on websites.  How does that make money for anyone?
By gaining control of the machinery the site is on, they can then use it 
either as a spam relay, or as an slaved attack vector to go attack other 
machines.  Some of the 'botnets' controlled by these folks have totaled in 
excess of 100k machines. 100k machines all going after the same site with 
their variations of John the Ripper will either crash the site, or crack it 
and own it, even some versions of linux.  My router alone is dropping over 800 
such attacks a day on average.  And I'm pretty much invisible except for my 
web server, whose address I post very sparingly.

>On Sat, Jul 18, 2009 at 12:17 PM, William Schaub<wschaub at steubentech.com> 
>> Arthur Flexser wrote:
>>> Which still leaves, "what on earth for?"   What do the masters of
>>> those bots hope to accomplish with all these attacks?
>>> Art
>> My guess would be to "MAKE MONEY FAST!" by selling various "ehancement"
>> products and such.  It is a truly depraved
>> world we live in and somehow the net has stopped being about people
>> communicating together and more about machines screaming as loudly as
>> possible to each other selling things nobody wants and making the network
>> unusable for real human beings.  and as the spammer's scripts get more
>> sophisticated  we have to keep up with the arms race. which really is a
>> shame since so much time and resources are spent fighting spam that little
>> time is left for anything else.
>> --
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Cheers, Gene
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