[Coco] CoCo Wireless RS-232 Pak

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at verizon.net
Thu Feb 26 00:39:05 EST 2009

On Wednesday 25 February 2009, Roger Taylor wrote:
>At 02:25 PM 2/25/2009, you wrote:
>> >Two DECB, OS-9, or NitrOS-9 CoCo's should be able to talk to each
>> >other using the pak's EasyConnect mode which is initiated by both
>> >CoCos using a certain command sequence.  A cable-replacement mode is
>> >started and the rest is just an invisible null-modem serial cable as
>> >far as the CoCo is concerned.
>>That doesn't seem to address using a BT mouse with the coco though?
>I'm not sure if the pak can use a BT mouse or not.  There's too many
>gadgets out there that one would have to test on their own.

All my blathering about is trying to figure out how, if the bt was receiving 
data both from a bt mouse, a bt keyboard, and a bt<-> usb dongle with a copy 
of minicom running on it from this box. How can the coco keep the bytes in 
their proper playpens.  Or will the bt mouse & keyboard just be so much 
interference to the comm link its intended to be?

I spent half an hour touring Wally's here this evening, thinking they may have 
such a class one beast, but no such luck.  Might have to get it from newegg 
or tigerdirect I guess.

Cheers, Gene
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The other day I... uh, no, that wasn't me.
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