[Coco] reducing size of scanned magazines

Ben Jimenez ben_jimenez at yahoo.com
Sat Aug 15 02:51:04 EDT 2009

on page 177 there are some military games listed, anyone know where I can find these games to play now?
Game module 1 - House to House. Ark Royal's squad level WWI I
i n fantry combat game.
They said it couldn 't be done - a SQUAD LEVEL wargame on a com·
puter - but we've done it. The Line of Sight problem is licked - and the
mac h i ne language routi nes really speed things up.
Game Module #1 comes with House to House map and 1 0 + scenerios
involving infantry combat in Aachen, Caen, Arnheim, Sta l i ngrad and
other famous WWI I c i ty battlegrounds. Combat u n i ts i n c l ude rifle
squads, mortar teams, mac h i ne gun crews, engineers, and more
(depending on the scenerio chosen), leaders, vehicles and other
weaponry of WWI I . Unique design al lows i ncorporation of future
expansion modules.
Choose campaign play and put yourself on the battlefield, Corporal
Smith or Jones; collect pOints toward promotion. Order up smoke from
the mortar squad, HE for those dug in u n i ts. Take the objective and you
might make Major someday. Just don't step on a land mine
Ark Royal's 1 or 2 player game by the author of Battle For Tunis, Bulge recreates
operation Wacht Am Rhein, H i t ler's last desperate gamble of WWI I . In none of our
games is the fog of war so apparent than i n BULGE. You know the Germans have
attacked in the Ardennes, but little else. What is their strength? Thei r objective?
Who do you send to repair the huge gap in the American l i nes? What bridges do
you blow? Can you protect the fuel depots? Where are all those Tigers coming
from? When will the weather clear?
H istorically accurate, and a real chal lenge whether it be against the computer or
a friend. (Just don

--- On Thu, 8/13/09, Ben Jimenez <ben_jimenez at yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Ben Jimenez <ben_jimenez at yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [Coco] reducing size of scanned magazines
To: "CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts" <coco at maltedmedia.com>
Date: Thursday, August 13, 2009, 3:33 PM


I'd like to read them, keep em coming.


--- On Tue, 8/11/09, Aaron Wolfe <aawolfe at gmail.com> wrote:

From: Aaron Wolfe <aawolfe at gmail.com>
Subject: [Coco] reducing size of scanned magazines
To: "CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts" <coco at maltedmedia.com>
Date: Tuesday, August 11, 2009, 8:38 PM

I've been experimenting with the magazine scans on maltedmedia.  Playing
around with settings in Acrobat, I've managed to get the file sizes down
drastically without losing readability.  For example, the original April 85
Rainbow is 550MB. I have it down to 38MB and actually more readable than the
original scan by turning the time yellowed paper background back to pristine
white.  The Jan 85 issue of HotCoco went from 153MB  to 8MB and still very
Obviously it's important to preserve the highest quality scans for
historical reasons, but for daily use/reading I'd much rather save the
Would anyone else be interested in these?  I could upload to malted, might
save a lot of downloading time for the next guy.  I plan to shrink at least
all the Rainbows and HotCoco's.

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