[Coco] A bit more of CoCo history dies...

Roger Taylor operator at coco3.com
Wed Aug 5 21:20:44 EDT 2009

At 06:47 PM 8/4/2009, you wrote:
>"The Shack" re-branding
>RadioShack is in the process of re-branding the company as "The 
>Shack" as well as re-building corporate culture. This will be kicked 
>off by a launch celebration in both San Francisco and New York 
>featuring "14 foot tall laptops" streaming the images from their 
>webcams from one city to the other, live music in both locations, as 
>well as television coverage of the event.[14] The event will take 
>place in Times Square and Justin Herman Plaza on August 6-8, 2009, 
>starting each morning at 6AM Eastern and lasting until Midnight. To 
>help promote the rebranding internally, employees were given 
>T-shirts, travel mugs, and EGrips, all branded with the new "The 
>Shack" logo. These internal promotional items were bundled with a 5 
>minute long, highly stylized and edited video with an introduction 
>from the CEO explaining what "The Shack" is.
>Tandy is gone and so is Radio Shack in a few days.
>Yes, some of called the stores "the shack" in the past, but the 
>press and public will new start calling them "The Shaft" for how you 
>feel when you walk out of their stores.

The rebranding is nothing but a last gasp from a failed business 
model that has persisted while other businesses change with U.S. 
culture.  The shack has stuck with what used to work for them and it 
took them WAY too long to figure out "it ain't really working".  When 
they ditch the electronic hobbyist items, it'll be a sad day, but 
then that's life.

Also, this is the most intimidating store I've had to shop in.  Even 
Wal-Marts faulty security poles we have to deal with today doesn't 
compare to the experience I feel when I walk into a shack just trying 
to round up a few electronic components.  There's no peaceful 
shopping in a shack.  So I try my best to not go anymore.

>Coco mailing list
>Coco at maltedmedia.com

Roger Taylor


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