[Coco] some progress...

Stephen Adolph twospruces at gmail.com
Mon Aug 3 17:28:58 EDT 2009

yes I am aware that the OS is different.

There are a lot of applications for coco written for the base machine however.

It  looks to me like you give up on those applications.

For example - can I still use EDTASM if I am currently running a
Nitros-9 system?

Or are you forever just switching back and forth, to suit the task at
hand?  Sounds like that is the case.



On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 4:43 PM, Darren A<mechacoco at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 8/3/09, Stephen Adolph wrote:
>> Thanks for all the helpful comments.  I've made some progress.
>> But, I am struggling right now with why I would go to Nitros-9--
>> * disks created in RS-DOS (35 track) cannot be read or written in Nitros-9
>> * so, software on RS-DOS disks and virtual disks are not usable in Nitros-9
> You do know that NitrOS-9 (OS-9) is a completely separate environment
> from the Basic interpreter in ROM (RSDOS), right?
> Under NitrOS-9, the ROM is out of the picture and you are in a
> multi-tasking, unix-like operating system with a command shell.  The
> file system used under NitrOS-9 is not compatible with RSDOS.  When
> you want to use the Basic interpreter or run programs on an RSDOS
> disk, you don't boot into NitrOS-9.
> Darren
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