[Coco] DriveWire

Bruce W. Calkins brucewcalkins at charter.net
Mon Apr 13 06:21:48 EDT 2009

>> In most cases LINUX is easier, but I

> have one unit that runs a "test" of XP
>> Pro quite well, but chokes on LINUX.
> Tell me the MOBO models.  I can't think of one that will

> "test" XP and won't run Linux.  Does it "run" XP?

Mainboard model is Intel's CA810E using a Pentium 3.  I ran XP Pro on it for 
a couple years, then I set it up with Ubuntu LINUX for some computerless 
person.  It ran fine when I sent it out, but came back with video issues. 
My spare PCI card locks it up pre-POST, so I'm suspecting some sort of 
failure on the mainboard.

> And while 98SE isn't quite "this millennium",

> I'd like some details as to what kind of bare

> metal you inflicted that onto.

I run 98 SE on a number of systems.  Most are mixed up from whatever parts 
machines come into the house.  My current CoCo emulator is running on a 700 
MHz Slot One Pentium 3 without any problems.  I also run 98 SE and/or Ubuntu 
on some small form factor Compaq Deskpro EN's with 1000 MHz Pentium 3s.  I 
seldom have problems putting 98 SE on a machine, but with M$'s WGA I don't 
bother putting XP on machines that could run it.

> As in a decade and a half, I haven't found a

> system (386 & up) that wouldn't boot Linux

> if it booted Windows 3.11 or later.

Yes, I had one 462 AMD board that took LINUX but eschewed Windows 98 SE.

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