[Coco] CoCo 3 patch question

Roger Taylor operator at coco3.com
Tue Nov 25 16:34:14 EST 2008

At 02:40 PM 11/25/2008, you wrote:
>The addresses I quoted are actual addresses of the code in the Disk Basic
>ROM. In the Coco3 these are copied to RAM. using above that would
>eliminate the Disk Basic altogether. If that is what you want then go for it.

That is exactly what I want because my ROM is not intended to be a 
DOS.  Since the EPROM Pak and floppy controller ROMs don't actually 
auto-start, Extended BASIC will do it's thing then transfer control 
to what it thinks is a Disk BASIC ROM because it sees that the first 
two bytes "DK".

The CoCo 3 emulators in M.E.S.S. are crashing the CoCo when my ROM 
attempts to switch to ROM mode, even if I mask FIRQ and IRQ 
beforehand.  I don't know if this is a M.E.S.S. thing or what will 
happen on a real CoCo 3.  I could only stay up so late last night.

Roger Taylor


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