[Coco] cocotape.exe project

Roger Taylor operator at coco3.com
Tue Nov 18 21:49:40 EST 2008

Ok guys,

I've made major progress.  Tonight, I'm actually loading stuff into 
the CoCo from my laptop via CLOAD and CLOADM.

cocotape.exe will take a PC-stored file and generate a crisp smooth 
simulated cassette file audio stream that the CoCo enjoys 
loading.  I'm confirming error-free CLOADM's because the PC is 
creating a copy of the VDG screen filled with text strings.  The PC 
is effectively doing a CSAVEM "FILENAME",1024,1535,0 and the CoCo 
just does a CLOADM and it gets the live screen, ofcourse.  This is 
just a way of seeing the bytes as they're transferred and that they 
are error-free.

I guess I need to put a .cas file decoder in there before it's done, 
since Vavasour's casout.exe doesn't want to output live sound on any 
Windows version I've tried it on.
Roger Taylor


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