[Coco] B&B Glenside Shareware

Diego Barizo diegoba at adinet.com.uy
Sat Mar 29 16:23:00 EDT 2008

I'm thinking about sending you the only copy I have.
All my 5 1/4 drives died, but one that's SSDD. Until I can get one for 
the PC, or a 3 1/2 for the CoCo, I'm unable to transfer disks from one 
machine to the other.
Now that I think. I should be able to find a bootable OS-9 disk from 
some game with the backup command in it...

Chester Patterson wrote:
> FSR (File System Repack) only works with 1 sector clusters.
> XT-ROM was originally supplied accompanied of an EPROM with the boot routine
> to look for the OS9 boot on the hard disk. The EPROM was to be placed in the
> XT-ROM hardware interface. The software alone does have its uses, however!
> I had RSB way back when but all was lost...
> Diego! I'm in Costa Rica, perhaps S/H to here would be menos caro...
> Willard Goosey wrote:
> So, http://www.sdc.org/~goosey/os9/burke720.dsk.gz and burke720.dsk.zip is a
> virtual disk of a 720K disk with FSR, XT-ROM, XT-HD, and EZGEN.
> I'll also be uploading this to maltedmedia and/or rtsi.
> And if someone has a copy of RSB, please upload it!  Or, I will gladly pay
> media+shipping...
> Willard
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