[Coco] Best way to clean up FD501 controller board.

William Schaub wschaub at steubentech.com
Wed Mar 12 16:07:00 EDT 2008

Looks like my FD501 isn't working I took it apart and it looks like it 
has some crud inside of it.
I'm adding a link to the picture in this email to see what you guys think.

What should I use to clean this board? Hopefully it will come up after 
its been de-gunked if its not toasted already.  If I can't clean it does 
anyone have a spare FD-501 or other floppy controller that will drive an 
FD501 drive I could buy?

I already feel bad because I had to break the label I was really hoping 
to avoid that.

If you want some close up pictures of the board in it's current state 
look at:

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