[Coco] SCC66470B doc

Bob Devries devries.bob at gmail.com
Mon Feb 25 00:40:55 EST 2008

I have just come across (and immediately scanned) a document called 
SCC66470B Video and System Controller Development Data. This is the VSC chip 
used in the MM/1 computer.

If anyone is interested in a copy, shoot me an email.

I also have one called SCC68070 16/32-bit Microprocessor Development Data 
(not yet scanned...)

It seems the VSC can do 768 x 560 resolution. Has anyone tried this on the 
MM/1? I guess it would require a VGA monitor.

Regards, Bob Devries, Dalby, Queensland, Australia

Isaiah 50:4 The sovereign Lord has given me
the capacity to be his spokesman,
so that I know how to help the weary.

website: http://www.home.gil.com.au/~bdevasl
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