[Coco] torn on getting a coco...

Michael Robinson deemcr at robinson-west.com
Sun Dec 14 16:42:28 EST 2008

> There's a sign I've seen behind the counter at certain business  
> establishments that basically says: "The price of our items are  
> dependent upon customer's attitude."  In spite of the rather rude  
> emails that you sent when asking for help with DriveWire, I made it a  
> point to send you a replacement floppy disk when your defective floppy  
> drive screwed up your original.  Yet you have the gall to come on this  
> list and complain about our customer service?  Frankly, you represent  
> the worst kind of customer: one who complains no matter what is done  
> to appease you.
> To be clear: Cloud-9 is a fun side business for Mark and I.  As a  
> monetary venture, it has its rewards but doesn't compete in any way  
> with our day jobs, and as such, we have the discretion to deal with  
> customers who are kind, courteous and truly appreciative of the  
> services and products we offer.  Rude and overly demanding customers  
> will quickly find themselves on their own, as you have.

Cloud-9's customer service policy folks.  I didn't want a replacement
floppy, I finally got a replacement rom pak which works fairly well.
Boisy Pitre, your problem is your attitude that the customer is always
wrong whether it is price or anything else for that matter.  I don't
like Cloud-9 because it isn't forward thinking.  Where is Superboard?
It is nowhere to be seen.  Cloud-9 is still distributing software
on 5.25" 360k floppies even though most people can't pick those
up anymore and Cloud-9 is out of 360k disk drives that can read them
indefinitely.  Even if cloud 9 had 360k drives, they would be $25+ plus
shipping.  It sounds to me like Boisy and Mark don't take the COCO any
more seriously than Tandy did, which is too bad.

I don't need all the crap I have gotten for posting the estimate on
this list which quite frankly wasn't rude beyond stating an opinion,
a single opinion mind you, that $120 is a fair amount of dough for
a 512k COCO3.  I didn't give the world access to Mark's paypal account,
though anyone with a paypal account knows where they can send money to

It might make more sense to clone the COCO3 than it does to support it
at this point.

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