[Coco] CoCoNet is CoCo 3 ready

Roger Taylor operator at coco3.com
Sun Dec 21 23:11:30 EST 2008

So far, a 64k CoCo 2 or a CoCo 3 gladly accepts the CoCoNet ROM Pak, 
starts up into Disk BASIC 1.1 or 2.1, and you can immediately type 
DIR to see the default mounted virtual disk on the PC.  Or you could 
immediately type something like SAVEW 
"HTTP://WWW.COCO3.COM/somescript.php","RESULTS.HTM" , for example to 
grab a file from the web.

Things start out in 57600 bps mode.  In order for the server to know 
what speed you're running at, I'm going to enhanced the DRIVE command 
or some other to allow the sending of a Fast or Slow 
notification.  The PC-side server would then reset the COM port to 
either 57600 bps or 115200 bps.

Both 57.6 kbps and 115.2 kbps speeds through the bitbanger port are amazing.

Some issues I need to resolve are sync problems that could arrise if 
something like SAVEW fails or hangs or times out on either end.  I'm 
looking into whether the CoCo can send a Line Break using a command 
so that if the server is stuck in some routine waiting on the CoCo to 
finish what it was supposed to be doing before, etc. the server should resync.

Other issues: 64k CoCo 2 users who choose to use the LOADM patches 
for Disk BASIC will probably have to reload the CoCo client if they 
run a game or something that totally screws with the system or makes 
you have to either RESET or power down.  Perhaps a POKE 65503,0 to go 
back into All-RAM mode will bring her back without having to reload anything.

CoCo 3's using the LOADM patch will probably get wiped out to the 
original Disk ROM copy if they hit RESET.

CoCo 2's and 3's using the ROM in a Pak or controller don't have to 
worry about hitting RESET or powering off/on.  CoCoNet is always 
there and ready.  So the idea is to get a ROM copy (or make your own) 
for best results.

Disto Super Controller users who have an original Disk BASIC ROM in 
one slot and the CoCoNet ROM in any slot other than the first (0), 
can POKE 65345,x where x is the ROM Slot # for CoCoNet, and this 
switches CoCoNet in seamlessly without having to do a warm 
start.  This works on a CoCo 2 but I haven't tried it on the 3 just 
yet.  Just put CoCoNet in ROM socket 0 and you won't have to worry 
about any of that.

Hang in there... it's coming.  The rest of the cable parts will be 
here tomorrow and I'll start on those shortly after Xmas.
Roger Taylor


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