[Coco] 6809 assembly programmming

Fedor Steeman petrander at gmail.com
Thu Apr 17 02:19:07 EDT 2008

I am definitely interested, although my time too, is limited...

Together with Briza I have set out to disassembling an old and relatively
simple CoCo1/2 game, Pengon. We have definitely made a lot of headway, but
perhaps if you could help us figuring out what certain routines do, that
would be a big help! Our plan was to make to analyse the game's ML and
rewrite it to make use of the CoCo3's graphics capabilities. There is still
a long way to go...


On 17/04/2008, John Strong <johnstrong at hotmail.com> wrote:
> To Allen & Others interested in 6809 assembly programming
> As time permits, I willing to help those wanting to learn 6809 assembly
> programming.
> time, being the key word here.
> Besides teaching full time, I also do software development, in especially
> software for event photographers,
> so my time is pretty full, but give me a try.
> > 20. Chicago CoCoFEST! 2008 photos now on disneyfans.com> (Allen Huffman)
> -- Allen PS - At the Fest, both Steve Bjork and John Strong gave seminars
> dealing with 6809 assembly language programming and now I'm wanting to dive
> in and learn more than what I know. Anyone wanting to learn together --
> maybe to work on a game or something -- drop me a note!> >
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