[Coco] List of copied manuals ready to be scanned

Dean Leiber adit at nationsdial.com
Thu Apr 10 22:29:37 EDT 2008

On Apr 10, 2008, at 6:56 PM, tim lindner wrote:

> Dean put his list of scanned document here:
> http://www.os9projects.com/index.html
> Dean has the most complete listing so far.

Its a little out of date (I have more stuff than it indicates... and  
I hope to have it updated this coming week. Now, I have to check  
Bob's List and Fedor's list to see what I don't have.

On that note..Fedor

I have no foreign language stuff in the archive yet (only english so  
far) so anything in Dutch, etc. is very welcome and I would  
appreciate it if you would put it on your 'Items to scan' List. It'll  
take me a day or 2 to go through the list and double check the rest  
tho. Thanks!


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