[Coco] AT306 Mouse and Keyboard

Paul Fitch pfitchjr at bellsouth.net
Sat Sep 8 23:09:06 EDT 2007

> That would be the clock chip itself, which when rolling over 
> at the end of year 99, goes to 00 alright, but the decade 
> portion is firmly stuck in the clock driver.  It will 
> probably accept 1907 as the year though.
> --
> Cheers, Gene
Actually, near as I can tell, the clock chip is just storing numbers.  As I
stated earlier, its currently holding the correct date and time, only the
DATE command won't let me access it.  On boot, it shows the correct date,
thanks to SETIMEX from RTSI.

Now, will it handle leap years, I don't know.  And it definitely will not
get the "new" daylight savings right.

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