[Coco] Using a pee sea as a "server" for internet access?

Dan Olson dano at agora.rdrop.com
Wed May 30 13:28:28 EDT 2007

> on this list can chime in with their favorite Live CD distro.  I'm also
> sure that somebody who just doesn't get it will pipe up and tell you to
> run out and get a new computer so you can install a full-blown,
> cutting-edge Linux distro to the tune of about 6-8GB HD, 1.5GHz CPU, and
> 512M RAM, just so you can browse the Web in a VT100 emulator on your
> CoCo.  :)

:)  Actually, if you're only using that computer for the purpose of a 
terminal server, I'd say a 386 would work great, as you need no GUI.

> Once you can log in with your terminal emulator and get a shell, you can
> browse the Web with lynx, links, or elinks, and you can telnet, FTP,
> ssh, or whatever else you like.  You can use rz/sz to copy files to and
> from your CoCo.

Sure, I find myself reading e-mail that way more than anything else, it's 
just text anyway :)  The hardest thing for a Linux newbe would be getting 
the OS installed, networking configured, etc.


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