[Coco] From Diego. Immigration status update

Joel Ewy jcewy at swbell.net
Fri May 25 02:52:37 EDT 2007

Diego Barizo wrote:
> First, I want to apologize to all of you who might be a bit tired
> about this. But since many people in the list have helped me one way
> or the other, this seems to be the best way to tell what's been going on.
I think we're all very interested in what's happening with you, Diego.
> Today I had my court hearing. Luckily, I didn't have to go to Buffalo,
> we were able to do it all over the phone.
> But one of the reasons for that, was that all the decisions had
> already been made. I have to leave in no more than 120 days (Set. 21st).
So the 'hearing' was all about you hearing them.  Nothing like a
foregone conclusion to heighten my bitterness and cynicism.
> The only way I could have a real chance to stay is getting married.
> I've already talked to .... uhhh... let's say, my former lover, who
> lived with me for about 1 year.
> But the problem is that she's 13 years older than I am, and she's
> black and I'm white. I have been told that because of that, the
> immigration department might reject the application. They seem to
> believe that age and race DO make a difference.
I guess I could understand them looking askance at obvious marriages of
convenience, but race and age (presuming we're not talking about sheep
and minors :-) ) shouldn't enter into it, period.  Of course, nobody
asked for my opinion!
> If I have to leave, I might still be able to come back in a year or
> so, but I guess that I will need something better than a tourist visa.
Well, that actually sounds less draconian than I would have suspected.

> Thank you all again for your support, you all really helped me one way
> or another.
> I'll keep you posted if any news develop.
> Diego
> -- 
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