[Coco] Very OT - Dialects: WAS Re: Mary, what's a Hoosier? :)

Roger Taylor operator at coco3.com
Sun Mar 11 16:06:08 EDT 2007

>Whoa Dude, like I didn't spell "border" right?  Sorry Dude, but I 
>was in the morning Dude.  Maybe it's a West coast thing, 
>Dude.  Didn't mean to get you all stressed Dude!  You just need to 
>chill Dude :)
>OK enough with the phony Cali dialect.  Honestly Roger, I wasn't 
>awake yet and freaking misspelled "border" wrong. It wasn't meant to 
>start another Civil War :)
>Actually I like listening to different American and Canadian 
>dialects.  For instance the Washington dialect is way different than 
>Californian dialect (We don't put "the" in front of every Freeway ID 
>such as  "the I-5" and so on) and a Western Canadians accent is way 
>different than a Newfy's
>I can usually tell a Texas accent from other Southern accents and I 
>am quite certain that my accent will sound funny to a lot of you.  I 
>say "intresting" instead of "interesting" and "Washington" instead 
>of "Warshington." :)
>Also, you may want to account that some of us may do most of our 
>email though a webmail client that may not have a spell 
>checker.  Once I update to Firefox 2.x, then I will use the spell 
>cheker that comes with it.

THE I-20 ?  THE Highway 80?  I guess when they say, THE, they mean, 
the one and only, no other than, as if there are OTHER I-20's nearby 
that could be mistaken for THE I-20 they are talking 
about.  Hilarious.  It's a community thing.  It spreads like wildfire 
if it sounds cute?

Want to "over night" a word?  How about the guys who coined 
"blog".  It took 2 days and the entire surface of the planet was 
saying "blog" like it's been in the dictionary for centuries.  How 
about "CVS".  Doesn't matter if you know what it means... one day I 
booted up and the entire internet adapted the CVS system as if God 
himself implanted it for everyone's benefit.  It sure does sound like 
that pharmacy!  :)

And "DHL"... BAM, out of nowhere... those yellow vans shooting around 
town just out of nowhere one morning, in every city.  Could it be 
that DHL makes us think they are as fast as DSL ?  Surely not.  But 
both like sounding words came into play right about the same 
time.  It'll work for a while then it won't.  They'll end up renaming 
their business soon to "T-ONE" ?  I work for UPS so I just had to 
throw this one in.  My bad.

They come and go.  What happened to "sysop"?  It just disappeared 
over night with the cyclops.

Roger Taylor

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